Transform images to Webp format

Implementing Webp file format for on your website will create few advantages over other formats like JPEG, PNG, or even GIF:

  1. The files are smaller
    • Lossy Compression: Webp images are typically 25% – 35% smaller in compared to JPEG of similar image format.
    • Lossless Compression: Webp images are ±30% smaller compared to PNG, while using transparency photos.
    • Smaller file sizes reduce the bandwidth usage and improve website loading, which is important for mobile users or websites with heavy image content.
  2. It will support both lossy and lossless compression
    • The flexibility to choose lossy compression (like JPEG) or lossless compression (PNG) based on your specific needs.
  3. While using transparency (Alpha Channel)
    • Similar to PNG format, webp supports transparency (alpha channel), but at a smaller file size than the PNG.
    • It is ideal for images requiring a transparent background, like logos or overlays on your new website.
  4. Animation
    • Webp supports animated images, like animated GIF for example, but with smaller file sizes. This new format will reduce the page load time for website pages with animations.
  5. Improved your Website Performance
    • Fast loading time will improve user experience (UX), SEO rankings & rates.
    • Lightweight images are critical for mobile users & also for Core Web metrics (Google’s measure for web performance).
  6. Wide range of browser support
    • Webp format is supported by all major browsers, including Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari (starting from V 14).
    • It makes it an optional for advanced websites, though fallback solutions may be needed for older browsers.
  7. Environment Benefits (ESG)
    • Smaller images will reduce the amount of data transferred on the global network, lowering energy usage and reducing your website carbon footprint.
  8. Supported on advanced Tools
    • Most modern CMS platforms (for example: WordPress) and image optimization tools support webp, making it easy to integrate into your website workflow.

When to use webp?
• As San Interactive advise – use webp for all images on your responsive design website to improve speed and reduce bandwidth.
• Stick to other formats only for niche cases (Only if needed):
SVG format for vector graphics.
HEIC format for certain specific uses (mostly for Apple ecosystem).
Fallback formats for older browser compatibility (If Needed).

By adopting Webp, you can achieve a faster website performance and a better overall user experience (UX/UI) while saving storage and bandwidth.