The app that will tell you when you can pee in the middle of the movie

In one of our strolling in the web we encountered with RunPee, which is a bit weird, but it can be helpful for some of you people with low bladder control.

The concept of the RunPee goes like this. We all have sat in a movie theatre when we suddenly felt the need to pee, but didn’t want to miss an important scene. The app helps solve this problem. It has a database of all the movies and updates constantly with new releases. It knows when a not so important scene is coming up and vibrates a little, telling you to go ahead and pee. It even shows if there’s an ending credit scene in the movie so you don’t miss it. You just start the timer when the movie starts and relax. The app will automatically notify you when it’s pee time. You might never know when an app like this can come in handy 🙂

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