How to reduce a video size for the Web

HOT TO REDUCE A VIDEO SIZE FOR THE WEB Meet WebM : WebM is an audiovisual media file format Developed byGoogle, It is 100% supports great video quality, The WebM is designed for the weband supports a Transparency background (Alpha channel) in a video.The WebM is a smaller size than the mp4 and mov formatsbut […]

LOTTIE ANIMATION What is Lottie? Lottie is a JSON-based animation file formatLottie is a lightweight format (than PNG and GIF) and suiting best for websites and apps.Lottie is based on vector and not pixels so that means that users can scale the animations withouthurting the quality of the animation, and without increasing the size of […]
Wouldn’t it be cool to build custom 3D-printable robots?

MIT’s Robogami lets you do just that, from standard folding parts. There is a new generation of robots on the rise, better known as Interactive Robogami. A project from MIT lets regular folks create ambulatory robots from a library of pieces that and fit together just like origami. “The goal is to make the process […]
3D printed glasses that will fit nobody but you!

Hard not to like glasses that don’t get in our way. Glasses that never pinch, slide off, or seem off-center, seem to be like a holy grail for the eye-wear industry. It is no secret that there are various different types of faces, noses and ears. To many “One size fits all” is more of […]