How to reduce a video size for the Web
HOT TO REDUCE A VIDEO SIZE FOR THE WEB Meet WebM : WebM is an audiovisual media file format Developed byGoogle, It is 100% supports great video quality, The WebM is designed for the weband supports a Transparency background (Alpha channel) in a video.The WebM is a smaller size than the mp4 and mov formatsbut […]
LOTTIE ANIMATION What is Lottie? Lottie is a JSON-based animation file formatLottie is a lightweight format (than PNG and GIF) and suiting best for websites and apps.Lottie is based on vector and not pixels so that means that users can scale the animations withouthurting the quality of the animation, and without increasing the size of […]
Catch up
CATCHING UP WITH TRENDS AND STAYING UPDATED In today’s ever-changing art world, graphic designers may find it difficult to keep themselves up-to-date with the newest design trends.As a graphic designer you must always be on your toes with the change in trends and stay one step ahead of the industry. Here some tips and accounts […]
Battle of the Browsers
Spoiler – Google Chrome is still the king. It was a close battle between Chrome and Safari, you’d think iPhone users would remain true to Apple’s features, but no – Chrome is the king of browsers apps on mobile. Check out the battle of the browsers over the last decade: