The use of AI in shopping centers

AI Shopping Centers - San Interactive

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into shopping centers is transforming the retail landscape, offering a seamless and personalized shopping experience for consumers and a more efficient management system for retailers. AI in shopping centers is not just a futuristic concept; it is a present reality that is revolutionizing the way we shop.  At the […]

How to optimize CX ?


CX stands for “Customer Experience”. It refers to the perception customers have of their interactions with a company, brand, or organization. CX encompasses the entirety of a customer’s journey, from the initial discovery and awareness stage, through the buying process, including post-purchase support and any subsequent interactions. A positive CX can lead to higher customer […]

Popular Trends in UX/ UI in 2023

UX-UI trends-San Interactive-2023

Product personalization: creating personalized user experiences based on user behavior and browsing habits. Enhance cross-platform user experience: mobile to desktop Scrollytelling: scrolling + storytelling = scrolly-telling. Data Storytelling: building a narrative based on complex data and analytics that help influence and inform your target audience. Minimalism: many websites and digital products have adopted a similar […]

UX/UI design in autonomous electric vehicles

person riding an electric car

UX/UI design in autonomous electric vehicles There are a number of best practices for UX/UI design in autonomous electric vehicles that aim to create an intuitive and seamless experience for the user. Here are a few examples:

Spline – 3D Web Experiences

Spline image of logo and abstract image

3D design tool for the web Spline, a 3D design tool, was launched towards the end of 2020. As you probably know,it’s not your typical 3D environment like Blender, 3D Max, or Cinema 4D.For instance, it doesn’t allow you to edit meshes.You could say Spline is more like three.js editor, but unlike this tool, Spline […]

A game that will make you go crazy

play cubes

A deliberately frustrating web game interface that will make you appreciate good web design. Bagaar created a web game called User Inyerface, that takes all the normal conventions of a website’s user interface and throws them out the window, leaving one of the most unfriendly user experiences you’ll ever try to navigate. Will you get […]

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