How to Create an Amazing Storytelling Presentation

storytelling San Interactive

Start with a Strong Hook: Grab your audience’s attention right from the beginning with an engaging opening. Develop a Clear Narrative Structure: Ensure your presentation has a beginning, middle, and end to guide your audience through your story smoothly. Use Visuals Effectively: Incorporate images, videos, and infographics to complement your narrative and keep the audience […]

The Future of UX/UI: 2025 Trends for Websites

website trends San Interactive

As we step into 2025, the world of UX/UI design is poised to undergo significant transformations. With the rapid advancement of technology and evolving user expectations, websites must adapt to stay relevant and engaging. Here are some of the most exciting trends in UX/UI design for 2025: 1. Immersive Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences Augmented Reality […]

Best practice for Real Estate photo shooting

real estate photography San Interactive

For optimal commercial real estate photography, prioritize architectural integrity and spatial dynamics.Utilize tilt-shift lenses to correct perspective distortion, especially for high-rise exteriors.Implement bracketing techniques to capture the full dynamic range, crucial for balancing bright windows with darker interiors.For large office spaces, consider panoramic stitching to showcase open floor plans effectively.Lighting is critical; blend ambient light […]

The first music video created by Sora


The music video for “The Hardest Part” by Washed Out, directed by Paul Trillo, is a groundbreaking piece around 4 minutes long. With the help of Sora, they’ve created a dynamic fast-forward montage, essentially a “life-in-fast-forward” for a digitally generated couple. These characters aren’t real people; they’re AI-crafted digital beings. While the result is still […]

Meta meets Ray-Ban

Meta Rayban San Interactive

Meta announced this week an upgrade to its smart glasses in collaboration with Ray-Ban: different styles of glasses and quite a few new features. It could very well be the platform that replaces our smartphone. The smart glasses feature 12-megapixel cameras, allowing users to take photos and videos, stream live, and now integrate multimodality (the […]

Meta AI’s Imagine feature!

Meta Ai San Interactive

Get ready to watch your words come to life with Meta AI’s Imagine feature! As you type, images will magically appear and transform with every few letters you add. It’s like having a personal artist in real-time, turning your imagination into stunning visuals before your eyes! Take a look:

Edit DALL-E images using ChatGPT.

San Interactive - Edit with Chat GPT AI and Dall-e

Until now, it was quite complicated to change parts of an image, but now.. subscribed users of ChatGPT can edit images created by AI using detailed prompts.

Empathy Engine: AI’s Emotional Evolution.

Empathy Engine - San Interactive

In the age of technological marvels, a new forerunner has emerged: Empathic AI, dedicated to enhancing human well-being. Meet Hume. Envision an artificial intelligence so advanced it can not only interpret emotional expressions but respond with a depth of understanding once thought impossible. We introduce the pioneering AI, endowed with an emotional quotient to meet […]

AI agent that will chat with your computer.

The AI agent that'll chat with your computer

This is one of the most impressive demos we’ve seen lately: Open Interpreter, a developer of an open-source project that allows communication with your computer through natural language, showcased 01 Lite this week. It’s a device about the size of an AirPods case that, with the press of a button, lets you command your computer […]

Say hello to Devin.

First AI Developer

The trailblazing AI virtuoso reshaping the software engineering scene! Devin’s not just the newest member of the coding cosmos — they’re your ultra-savvy AI sidekick, ready to jam on joint projects or solo on tasks, awaiting your seal of approval. Devin’s the game-changer for devs dreaming big, a catalyst turning epic goals from dreams to […]

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